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West Seattle Fauntleroy Church in Winter Wedding Photography

A wedding in winter in Seattle takes a bold couple and a bold photographer to pull off.  For this wedding in West Seattle I remember sitting down with my bride and telling her it could very well snow on her wedding day. Turns out I was right. This West Seattle wedding at the Fauntleroy Church was a real challenge. Not only was it cold, rainy, and dark but a few things happened that I have never had happen. For one, I have NEVER in my career seen a church filled to the brim. This wedding was standing room only, which left me virtually no place to photograph (this church had very strict rules about not obstructing any guests view). During the processional the lights were not turned on which made taking pictures impossible. Finally, there were so many guests that the reception was packed tighter than a can of sardines. My movement was limited and I unfortunately found it difficult to take my regular style of imagery.  Still, as difficult as this one turned out to be we were still able to execute some nice images. The bride and groom, all their friends and family were such a lively crew that it made all the hardships of the day melt away. Still, I think I may charge extra to rent that super nice lens that shoots in extreme low light conditions… Or maybe someone wants to but it for me??